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PPMA Invites Pest Control Industry to Join in Recognizing Rodent Awareness Week
The Professional Pest Management Alliance encourages pest control companies to participate in raising awareness for the threats rodents pose to health and property during Rodent Awareness Week, October 20-26, 2024.
Online Course: Rodenticide Stewardship
Responsible use of anticoagulant rodenticides for certified pest control applicators. Price: free
Ask The Expert
Our expert on staff answers questions about non-toxic bait, rodents, carpenter bees, and springtails.
Ask the Expert
Our expert on staff answers questions about ticks and mice.
Determining the Best Placement for Rodent Devices at Commercial Food Buildings
Research on rodent trap placement in food facilities reveals that conventional spacing, based on outdated standards, lacks sufficient scientific backing. A study assessing building characteristics showed that warmer, sheltered areas attract more rodent activity. This suggests that inspections should inform trap placement to enhance effectiveness and reduce unnecessary bait waste.
Finding Ways to Reduce the Risk of Non-Target Rodenticide Exposure in Roof Rat Control
A study published in Pest Management Science explores the use of rodenticide bait stations by commensal rodents at the urban-wildland interface. Funded by the Pest Management Foundation, the research indicates that native rodents rarely access bait stations, primarily used by roof rats. Management recommendations are provided to minimize non-target exposures while controlling pest populations.